Bioline AgroSciences Africa, formerly Dudutech, is Africa’s leader in integrated pest management (IPM) with a wealth of experience in designing and delivering biological pest control solutions to farmers across the continent. We research, develop and supply zero-residue biological control products for use in a wide range of important crops including cut flowers, fruit, vegetables, tree crops, tobacco and broadacre crops. To further support the pest control needs of growers, we have an on-site diagnostics laboratory to accurately identify pests and diseases and a training department to improve our customers’ understanding of sustainable crop management at all levels.
Ladybird Farm is the heart of our operation and is the largest biological production facility in sub-Saharan Africa. Bioline AgroSciences Africa supplies over 50 control products, including 17 biological control products, an extensive plant and soil health range, and specially designed traps and pheromones, with more always in the pipeline. Our production sites are based in Naivasha, Kenya and include indoor and outdoor insect production, state-of-the-art fungus and nematode production facilities. Our outdoor insect production is strategically situated on the equator, which provides a climate perfect for a year-round supply of predators. We employ over 400 people, including experienced leading agronomists, entomologists, and microbiologists – including PhD, master’s degree, and diploma level scientists.
Established in 2001, we have rapidly grown into a global biotechnology business, employing leading entomologists and microbiologists to develop solutions to reduce pesticide use and improve soil health and long-term sustainability in agriculture. We develop Integrated Pest Management solutions for our own farming operations across the world, and it is this heritage that makes Bioline AgroSciences Africa unique. As farmers, we believe that successful pest control is more than products; it is a philosophy of growing that is supported by a number of crop management techniques, physical interventions, and biological control. Central to this is a ‘prevention mentality’, keeping pests consistently low through .
Global Presence of Bioline AgroSciences
Bioline AgroSciences is active in 30 countries, with particular strength in Europe and North America, producing a wide range of invertebrate biological control organisms used to control insect pests in various crops. Our primary target crops are protected vegetables, ornamentals, soft fruits and berries. At Bioline AgroSciences we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality products and services to support growers in maintaining yield and quality of their produce.
A BPG Member
Bioline AgroSciences Africa is a charter member of BioProtection Global (BPG), a worldwide federation of biocontrol and biopesticides industry associations. These associations are comprised primarily of manufacturers of biocontrol and biopesticide products for professional use in agriculture, animal health, and other non-crop uses.
To find out more about BioProtection Global, go to:
Industry Association Memberships
Dudutech is a proud member of the following industry associations: