Dudutech supplies over 17 different biological control agents (also known as biopesticides, biocontrols or biologicals) comprising beneficial insect predators and parasitoids, beneficial funguses (EPFs) and nematodes (EPNs) and a wide range of soil health products for long term crop security and alleviation of drought effects. Dudutech runs NITA registered industry standard and tailor-made courses for audit compliance and capacity development in your workforce. Dudutech offers crop consultancy, nematode analysis, and insect and disease identification services.
Contains Amblyseius cucumeris a predatory mite used for the management of Thrips.
Bio control agent: Amblyseius cucumeris
Category: Beneficial Insects and Predators
Target challenge: Broad Mite, Cyclamen Mite, Red Spider Mite, Thrips larvae
Crop: Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
Contains Amblyseius californicus, a predatory mite used for the management of Red Spider Mites (RSM)
Bio control agent: Amblyseius californicus
Category: Beneficial Insects and Predators
Target challenge: Red Spider Mite
Crop: Flowers, Tea, Vegetables
A wettable powder (WP) formulation containing spores of Beauveria bassiana strain J25
Bio control agent: Beauveria bassiana
Category: Beneficial Fungi
Target challenge: Aphids, Coffee Berry Borer, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Scale Insects, Thrips, Whiteflies
Crop: Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
CKC Rhizoflo
CKC Rhizoflo is a unique dual formulation bio-fertilizer containing Rhizobium bacteria that promote Nitrogen and Phosphorus solubilisation for improved plant performance.
Bio control agent: Pseudomonas fluorescens and Azospirillum brasilense
Category: Beneficial Bacteria, Nutrition
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Enhanced root development
Crop: Cereals, Vegetables
CKC Vetch, Peas and Lentils
CKC Vetch, Peas and Lentils is a seed dressing composed of strains of Rhizobium bacteria selected for their infectivity and capacity of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF).
Bio control agent: Rhizobium bacteria – Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viaiae
Category: Beneficial Bacteria, Nutrition
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Enhanced root development
Crop: Cereals, Vegetables
CRYPTOGRAN FCM contains Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrleGV-SA), used in the management of False Codling Moths (FCM) Thaumatotibia leucotreta, a pest in fruit production.
Bio control agent: Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrleGV-SA)
Category: Beneficial Virus
Target challenge: False Coddling Moth
Crop: Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Traps for control of flying insect pests. These traps are cost-effective, readily assembled and are easy to use for pest monitoring.
Bio control agent: Trap
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Diamonback Moth, Duponchelia, False Coddling Moth, Tuta Absoluta
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
Diglytech® wasps sting and parasitise leafminer larvae in their mines.
Bio control agent: Diglyphus isaea
Category: Beneficial Insects and Predators
Target challenge: Leafminers
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
These lures are rubber strips impregnated with a synthetic replica of the Duponchelia female pheromone.
Bio control agent: Pheromone
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Duponchelia
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
Helicoverpa armigera Nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearSNPV) isolated from nature in Kenya and has not been genetically altered
Bio control agent: Nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV)
Category: Beneficial Virus
Target challenge: Helicoverpa armigera
Crop: Vegetables
Contains the predatory mite Hypoaspis miles used for the management of Thrips, fungus gnats, Leaf miner, Sciarid flies and shore flies
Bio control agent: Hypoaspis miles
Category: Beneficial Insects and Predators
Target challenge: Bulb Mites, Leafminers, Sciarid Flies, Thrips
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
InBio Calbud
InBio CALBUD is a highly concentrated fully water dispersible liquid fertiliser containing optimally synergistic ratios of Calcium, Zinc, Nitrogen and Magnesium with trace elements to ensure strong early plant development.
Bio control agent: Calcium, Zinc, Nitrogen, Magnesium, Boron, Cobalt, Molybdenum
Category: Nutrition, Soil Amendments
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soil amendment
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
A liquid fertiliser high in Calcium and Magnesium for plant health and enhanced early stage plant development.
Bio control agent: Calcium and Magnesium
Category: Nutrition, Soil Amendments
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soil amendment
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
InBio GYPSUM is a liquid suspension of technical grade Calcium and Sulphur used to improve soil structure by reducing sodium build-up and increasing Calcium levels in the soil. With an approximate particle size of 2 microns it can be used in fertigation, through a drip line and also as a foliar.
Bio control agent: Calcium and Sulphur
Category: Nutrition, Soil Amendments
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soil amendment
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Tea
InBio LIME is a highly concentrated fully water dispersible liquid fertilizer high in calcium for strong early plant development. InBio LIME is formulated with a 2μ particle size to increase availbility and uptake, suitable for fertigation and as a foliar to provide essential crop nutrition from the pre-bud to post harvest stages and is safe to use during flowering.
Bio control agent: Calcium
Category: Nutrition, Soil Amendments
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soil amendment
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
InBio TRACE is a liquid suspension of technical grade Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Copper and Magnesium with kelp which provides plants with the ideal mix of nutrients for healthy plant development. Each of the minerals and kelp extract play an important role in plant health.
Bio control agent: Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Copper and Magnesium with kelp extracts
Category: Nutrition, Soil Amendments
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soil amendment
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
A biological insecticide containing Lecanicillium lecanii, a naturally occurring Entomopathogenic fungus that is effective against whiteflies
Bio control agent: Lecanicillium lecanii
Category: Beneficial Fungi
Target challenge: Aphids, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Scale Insects, Thrips, Whiteflies
Crop: Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
MONTECH contains Transeius montdorensis predatory mites which feed on Thrips in their immature stages, and are also known to feed on Red Spider Mites. MONTECH mites are active between 15-40ºC, making them perfectly suited to tackle Thrips in warmer cli …
Bio control agent: Transeius montdorensis
Target challenge:
A biological Nematicide based on Paecilomyces lilacinus a naturally occurring Nematophagous fungus for control of plant parasitic nematodes
Bio control agent: Paecilomyces lilacinus
Category: Beneficial Fungi
Target challenge: Enhanced root development, Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Crop: Cereals, Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
NEMATECH C ® SP is a biological insecticide containing insect-killing infective juveniles of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae in an inert carrier for the control of Thrips and Sciarid flies in both field or greenhouse set up.
Bio control agent: Steinernema carpocapsae
Category: Beneficial Nemetodes
Target challenge: Leafminers, Sciarid Flies, Thrips
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
NEMATECH H® SP is a biological insecticide containing Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, a naturally occurring beetle-killing (entomopathogenic) nematode used to manage Beetles, Fungus Gnats, White Grubs and Cutworms. The infective juvenile nematodes enter the insect’s body to complete their life-cycle, killing the pest in the process.
Bio control agent: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
Category: Beneficial Nemetodes
Target challenge: Leafminers, Sciarid Flies, Thrips
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
A biological insecticide containing infective juveniles of Steinernema feltiae (isolate DDT – D2) in an inert carrier
Bio control agent: Steinernema feltiae
Category: Beneficial Nemetodes
Target challenge: Leafminers, Sciarid Flies, Thrips
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
NEMguard® SC
A powerful polysulphide solution for the management of plant parasitic nematodes.
Bio control agent: Polysulphide Formulation
Category: Botanics
Target challenge: Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Crop: Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Contains a predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis marketed for management of the two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae)
Bio control agent: Phytoseiulus persimilis
Category: Beneficial Insects and Predators
Target challenge: Red Spider Mite, Two Spotted Mite
Crop: Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Mealybug lures are rubber strips impregnated with a synthetic replica of the mealy bug female pheromone.
Bio control agent: Pheromone
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Mealybugs
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
REDTOP FLY CATCHER traps use bait to attract adult flies into the top turret of the trap where they enter the bag and become trapped.
Bio control agent: Non-toxic attract and trap system.
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Fruit Flies, Horse flies, House flies, Sciarid Flies
Crop: Coffee, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Contains spores, colonized root fragments, and other propagules of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in a granular carrier
Bio control agent: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Category: Beneficial Fungi
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Soft Rots
Crop: Cereals, Flowers, Forestry, Vegetables
RIGEL G® improves plant health as it reduces lodging, improves pest and disease resistance, increases plant vigour, reduces plant stress, retard senescence and inhibits pathogenesis in some soil microbes. Rigel-G is also highly effective against slugs and snails.
Bio control agent: Soil/Foliar Fertiliser
Category: Botanics, Nutrition
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Slugs, Snails
Crop: Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Traps for control of flying insect pests. This product comes in Blue or Yellow depending on the target pest.
Bio control agent: Trap
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Aphids, Leafminers, Sciarid Flies, Thrips, Whiteflies
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
A biological molluscicide containing infective juveniles of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (isolate DDT M1) in an inert carrier
Bio control agent: Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita
Category: Beneficial Nemetodes
Target challenge: Slugs, Snails
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
STICKTECH® Blue cards are used as the “attract and trap” technique for control of flying insect pests.
Bio control agent: Trap
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Thrips
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
STICKTECH® Plus Yellow
STICKTECH® Yellow cards are used as the “attract and trap” technique for control of flying insect pests.
Bio control agent: Trap
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Aphids, False Coddling Moth, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Sciarid Flies, Whiteflies
Crop: Flowers, Vegetables
Contains spores of Trichoderma asperellum an antagonistic fungus that is used globally for control of soil borne fungal diseases
Bio control agent: Trichoderma asperellum
Category: Beneficial Fungi
Target challenge: Armillaria, Botrytis Blight, Crown Gall, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Root Rots, Sclerotinia, Stem Cankers
Crop: Cereals, Flowers, Fruits, Tea, Vegetables
Rubber strip lures, impregnated with a synthetic replica of the Tuta absoluta female pheromone.
Bio control agent: Pheromone
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Tuta Absoluta
Crop: Vegetables
Bio control agent: Trap
Category: Traps and Pheromones
Target challenge: Diamonback Moth
Crop: Vegetables