Aphid nymphs and adults suck plant sap leading to stunted growth, deformed leaves and sometimes yellow spots appear
A widespread mite, Rhizaglophus eclinops, that tunnels in the bulbs of lilies and other plants
Grayish hairless caterpillar of waxy appearance that attacks vegetables during nights and hides in the soil during the day
Cyclamen mites feed by piercing tissue with their mouthparts and sucking out cell contents
Diamond Back Moth Larvae damage leaves, buds, flowers, and seed-buds of cultivated cruciferous plants
Adults have a wingspan of 19 to 21 mm. Their forewings are gray-brown in colour with two yellowish-white transverse lines.
A Small moth (6-9 mm long) which is active at dusk and during the night.
A polyphagous pest that creates Feeding holes on leaves, buds, growing points, flowers and fruit
Vegetable leafminer is a small black fly that through the act of laying eggs and feeding on leaves can kill seedlings
Plant parasitic nematodes cause economic losses to horticultural and field crop worldwide
Adults and juveniles feed on the underside of leaves by inserting their stylets into the plant cells and sucking out the cell contents
Sciarid Flies are common pests of mushroom houses and of plants grown in protected culture, for example herbs
Slugs can destroy foliage faster than plants can grow, thus killing even fairly large plants
Snails eat a wide range of vegetables and ornamental plants, especially seedlings and other soft growth
Feed in rapidly growing tissue by sucking sap from cells. The sucked out empty cells are filled with air, causing a silvery appearance
Tuta absoluta eggs are just 0.5 mm long and can be found on the underside of young leaves or on the stems. A female can lay 260 eggs.
Whiteflies suck phloem sap. Large populations can cause leaves to deform, turn yellow, appear dry, or fall off plants
Botrytis blight causes Infection usually begins spotted flower petals, then grayish brown fuzz grows on infected plant parts
A fungal disease of roses which spreads rapidly resulting in irreversible damages affecting the entire plant
Infects roots of plants, move up the stems resulting into diebacks, yellowing of foliage, poor plant vigor and darkening of larger roots
Powdery mildew causes new leaves to become curled or twisted and the shoots may look badly deformed
Infects roots of plants resulting in diebacks, yellowing of foliage, poor plant vigor and darkening of larger roots
Rhizoctonia causes a wide range of commercially significant plant diseases
Sclerotinia causes damage to crops in the field and in storage