Beneficial Bacteria
CKC Rhizoflo
CKC Rhizoflo is a unique dual formulation bio-fertilizer containing Rhizobium bacteria that promote Nitrogen and Phosphorus solubilisation for improved plant performance.
Bio control agent: Pseudomonas fluorescens and Azospirillum brasilense
Category: Beneficial Bacteria, Nutrition
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Enhanced root development
Crop: Cereals, Vegetables
CKC Vetch, Peas and Lentils
CKC Vetch, Peas and Lentils is a seed dressing composed of strains of Rhizobium bacteria selected for their infectivity and capacity of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF).
Bio control agent: Rhizobium bacteria – Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viaiae
Category: Beneficial Bacteria, Nutrition
Target challenge: Enhanced crop development, Enhanced root development
Crop: Cereals, Vegetables