Course Profile

Course title
Target Group
Safe & Effective Use of Pesticides (Starters
Provide participants with a sound knowledge of pesticide usage, handling and storage in line with Good Agronomic Practices (GAP)
Pesticide handlers (applicators, storemen,supervisors)
Two Days
Safe & Effective Use of Pesticides (Annual Refresher)
Review and highlight new concepts/ideas & development in the Pesticides industry and refresh understanding of safe usage and handling of pesticides
Pesticide handlers (applicators, storemen,supervisors)
One Day
General Pesticide Awareness
Sensitize workers on pesticide hazards at the workplace
All staff working outdoor and indoor on farms
Two hours Session
Basic IPM (Flowers, Vegetables, Others)
Sensitize the trainee about the basic principles of IPM so as to effectively support strategies for sustainable pest management
All field staff
One Day
IPM Level One (Flowers, Vegetables, Others)
Equip the trainee with knowledge and practical skills on the principles and commercial practice of IPM in horticulture for successful adoption of an IPM programme
Field scouts, field supervisors, farm managers, and agronomists
Four Days
Postharvest Pests & Diseases (Flowers, Vegetables, Others)
To equip participants with industry level knowledge and skills in postharvest management of fresh produce
Quality Control staff, Packhouse Staff, Pickers and Harvesters
One Day
Principles of Fertilizer Application
Equip participants with knowledge & Skills on Crop Nutritional requirements and Management
Production Supervisors/Irrigation & Fertigation Supervisors
Two Days
Irrigation & Fertigation
Equip participants with Basic knowledge & Skills on Fertigation & Irrigation practices to effectively support production functions
Irrigation and Fertigation Personnel
One Day
A Guide to Composting
Equip participants with knowledge & Skills of Composting as a technology for the recovery & recycling of biological waste into a valid product for Agricultural production
Farm Waste handlers
Two Days