Using beneficial nematodes and fungi as biocontrols allows growers to easily defend their crops on a microscopic level, helping improve plant and soil health, as well as promoting the health and safety of end customers and farmers alike.
Crop roots are vulnerable to attack by a variety of insect pests and fungal diseases which co-habit the root zone or live on their folaige. Integrating our microbial range into a crop protection programme allows growers to defend their plants with naturally occurring beneficial fungi and nematode colonies. Healthier roots and leaves allow nutrients to flow more readily, boosting plant growth and ultimately their yield.
BEAUVITECH® WP is a biological insecticide containing
Beauveria bassiana, a natural insect-killing fungus used to sustainably manage soft-bodied insects such as Thrips and Whitefly.
BEAUVITECH® WP spores germinate on their target host, over time killing it before emerging and releasing spores to begin their lifecycle again – this infection is also called White Muscardine disease.

Fig. 1. BEAUVITECH® WP mode of action.
Read more about BEAUVITECH® WP.
LECATECH® WP is a biological insecticide containing
Lecanicillum lecanii, a natural insect-killing fungus used to sustainably manage soft-bodied insects such as Thrips and Whitefly.
LECATECH® WP spores germinate on their target host, over time killing it before emerging and releasing spores to begin their lifecycle again.

Fig. 1. LECATECH® WP mode of action.
Read more about LECATECH® WP.
MYTECH® WP is a biological nematicide containing
Paecilomyces lilacinus (F18), a naturally occurring nematode killing-fungus used to sustainably manage plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) including Root knot, Cyst, Root lesion, Burrowing and Reniform amongst others.
MYTECH® WP parasitizes and subsequently kills all life stages of target PPNs.

Fig. 1. MYTECH® WP mode of action.
Read more about MYTECH® WP.
TRICHOTECH ® WP contains
Trichoderma asperellum a soil-dwelling fungi used to defend crops against disease-causing fungi
Fusarium spp., Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia spp. and Sclerotinia spp. TRICHOTECH ® WP also aids in releasing nutrients stored in organic matter and boosts plant development.

Fig. 2. TRICHOTECH® WP mode of action.
Read more about TRICHOTECH® WP.
NEMATECH S ® SP contains infective juvenile stages of
Steinernema feltiae, a beneficial nematode used to defend crop roots against Thrips and Whitefly by attacking their soil-dwelling pupal stages
. The nematodes in
NEMATECH S ® SP actively seek out pupal Thrips and Whitefly in the soil to infect and complete their reproduction cycle, killing the target before multiplying and emerging to find a new host.

Fig. 2. NEMATECH S SP® WP mode of action.
Read more about NEMATECH S® SP.
Offer valid only in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda until 15 April 2023.
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