Archive for the ‘Botanics’ Category

Dudutech Webinar: Understanding Nematodes for Practical Farmers

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Globally, nematodes cause US$125 billion in crop losses, making them the single most important pest to threaten food security. With over 4100 phytoparasitic nematode species threatening global crops and increasing pressure to reduce reliance on chemical controls, understanding and implementing effective and sustainable management is critical in 2023.

We have joined up with Ecospray and UK-based nematode control expert Dr Colin Fleming for a global webinar to empower our growers with useful and practical information on nematodes.


  • Plant Parasitic Nematodes – biology, ecology and diversity
  • Signs and symptoms of PPN attack – Economic importance to farmers
  • How nematodes interact with plants
  • Nematodes as Biocontrols for pests
  • Biology, ecology and diversity
  • Integrated Management of Nematodes
  • Tools and methods for sustainable management of Nematodes

Watch the webinar recording here:


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RIGEL G® is a powerful organic nutrient with enhanced plant health properties and a knock-down solution for slugs.

Dudutech-Nuffield Project Featured at Oppenheimer Research Conference

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Dudutech Zimbabwe’s Phil Weller presented his Nuffield research at the 10th Annual Oppenheimer Conference

Photo. Phil Weller (Dudutech Zimbabwe) with his research poster, visited by Nicky Oppenheimer and Duncan MacFadyen at the 10th Oppenheimer Research Conference.

Phil Weller (Dudutech Zimbabwe and Nuffield Zimbabwe) had the privilege of presenting his research at the 10th Oppenheimer Research Conference (1-3 October 2019). The conference, which brought together over 348 delegates with interests in natural and environmental science, aims to contribute to the global conversation on ecosystems and biodiversity in a meaningful way.

“Work with nature, don’t impose your will on nature,”
Nicky Oppenheimer, 10th Oppenheimer Research Conference 2019

This year Phil Weller presented research from his Nuffield research project on how Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is being used in a commercial context around the world. The aim of the project was to highlight how IPM can be used globally for sustainable agriculture on a wide variety of crops and livestock.

During the introduction of the conference, Nicky Oppenheimer said, “work with nature; don’t impose your will on nature,” reaffirming the ethos at the heart of Dudutech and Phil’s research project.

Photo. Jonathan Oppenheimer with a panel at the 10th Oppenheimer Research Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa 2019.

The research:

Graphic. A poster for Phil Weller’s Nuffield Zimbabwe project.


NEMguard® active ingredient now on PPPL

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Garlic extract officially added to PPPL and PoKeMon positive list

The active ingredient in NEMguard, garlic extract, has been officially added to the PPPL (Plant Protection Product List) and PoKeMon positive list by FoodExperts S.L. As the name suggests, these specially curated lists promote the legal, safe and responsible use of plant protection products. For more info, go to

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Dudutech launched NEMguard SC earlier this year, with the product positioned for sustainable management of nematodes. The recognition of garlic extract, the active ingredient in NEMguard SC, as a legal, safe and responsible plant protection product is a major win for farmers and the environment. Growers can now mitigate their use of potentially harmful active ingredients which riddle the market by opting to deploy garlic extract found in NEMguard SC to combat their plant-parasitic nematode problem.

Find out more about NEMguard SC at

NEMguard® SC

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Sustainably defend your crops against plant parasitic nematodes with NEMguard® SC.

NEMguard® SC deploys selected polysulphides to protect plants against nematodes and encourages root development and repair. The active ingredient’s mode of action and zero-MRL features mean growers can use NEMguard® SC as an effective control against a wide variety of plant parasitic nematodes without leaving harmful residues or negatively impacting on the environment.