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A high analysis suspension of Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and Copper blended with kelp extracts. Designed to provide an early energy boost for early vigour and improved plant health.


Kelp is a seaweed that can boost horticultural crop plants in many ways. It contains natural plant hormones that stimulate cell division, growth, bud and flower formation. It also improves soil quality by breaking down organic matter. Kelp can increase germination, reduce transplant shock, and enhance plant vigour. Kelp can also improve the soil quality, nutrient uptake, photosynthesis, and stress resistance of plants.


Manganese is essential as an enzyme activator which helps with nitrate assimilation. It is also primarily involved in photosynthesis and chlorophyll production. Manganese influences auxin levels in plants and is required for maximum activity of many enzyme reactions found in the citric acid cycle.

Iron is a constituent of ferredoxin and cytochromes, it activates catalase, and plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll. It takes part in photosynthesis and in respiration for the release of energy.

InBio Calbud

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A liquid fertiliser high in Calcium with synergistically balanced macro and micro nutrients for enhanced early stage plant development.

Calcium is the primary building block of the cell walls and membranes without which cell division will be adversely affected, and structural stability and permeability of the cell walls will suffer. Calcium is the main transport mechanism for nutrients and boron is the placement of these nutrients in the plant. Results show that increasing available Calcium to the crop promotes longer shelf life, and reduces bruising. Problems such as cracking, splitting, water core, bitter pit, internal browning, blossom-end rot in tomatoes and soft-bottom in melons are avoided.

Magnesium is an essential part of the chlorophyll structure. Magnesium plays a major role in photosynthesis and other plant functions, particularly the uptake and mobilisation of other plant nutrients, specifically phosphorus. Magnesium is very mobile in the plant and deficiencies are seen in the old leaves with inconsistent chlorosis.
Magnesium is an essential part of the ATP activation process that helps in energy storage in cell catalysing various enzyme systems that regulate metabolic processes. Magnesium deficiencies lead to abnormal growth patterns associated with reduced yield and quality.

Zinc forms an enzyme which produces carbon dioxide and maintains CO2 levels for photosynthesis. Zinc plays an important role in the production of auxins.

Boron is a trace element essential to many functions of the plant. It is actively involved in the transportation of sugars across cell walls, and in the synthesis of cell wall material and the regulation of water within the cells. As a direct effect of boron availability to necessitate these functions, deficiencies of the trace element will result in stunted plant growth and development. Boron is closely linked to the reproductive process of the plant in that pollen production is greatly influenced by the availability of boron. Sufficient available quantities are essential for the production of pollen and for pollen viability.


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A liquid fertiliser high in Calcium and Magnesium for plant health and enhanced early stage plant development.


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A liquid fertiliser high in Calcium and Sulphur for improving soil structure by reducing sodium build up and increasing calcium levels.


Due to the very small particle size InBio GYPSUM has a fast reactivity rate and works as a fast acting soil amendment, conditioner, and fertilizer.

Lowers EC

InBio GYPSUM can help create favorable soil by lowering EC, as a high EC value of soil is undesired for the crop growth. High EC of soil can be due to fertilizer application as well as weathering of soil minerals. Gypsum, being readily soluble, results in proper buffered solute concentration (EC) in soil to maintain soil in a flocculated state.

Nutrient Uptake

Calcium is essential to the biochemical mechanisms by which most plants nutrients are absorbed by roots. Without adequate Calcium, uptake mechanisms would fail. In soils with unfavourable Calcium Magnesium ratios, such as serpentine soils, Gypsum can create a more favourable ratio.

Improves Texture and Drainage

Gypsum is very useful for improving the textural and drainage properties of heavy (clay) soils. Gypsum is also an excellent calcium and sulphur fertiliser. Its special benefits are that horticultural Gypsum is fast acting and pH neutral (contrasting with other Calcium fertilisers that are slower and either raise or lower soil pH).

Improves Structure for Deeper Root Penetration

Gypsum provides Calcium, which flocculate clays in acid and alkaline soil. A flocculated clay forms friable soil with improved soil structure and tilth. It also allows for deeper, healthier root development and water penetration.

Improves Water Retention in Sodic Soils

Gypsum when applied to sodic soil reduces the levels of exchangeable sodium resulting in increased water retention. Gypsum is another source of Calcium responsible for the binding of soil organic matter to clay and gives stability to soil aggregates. Gypsum can help keep clay particles from adhering to roots, bulbs and tubers of crops like potato, carrots, garlic and beets.