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PHYTOTECH ® contains a predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis marketed for management of the two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae). The predatory mite is specific to spider mites and consumes all stages of the spider mite. The adults as well as protonymphs and deutonymphs predate on spider mites.


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AMBLYTECH C® contains Amblyseius cucumeris a predatory mite used for the management of Thrips. It targets various species of Thrips preying on hatching eggs and larvae.


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AMBLYTECH® contains Amblyseius californicus a predatory mite used for the management of Red Spider Mites (RSM). It eats all stages of RSM but prefers younger ones. Amblyseius californicus can also be used prophylactically as they also feed on Thrips and pollen and can survive for up to 3-4 weeks without food and therefore very good for prophylactic treatments and maintaining low populations of RSM.

AMBLYTECH® can be used with PHYTOTECH®  (Phytoseiulus persimilis) to manage RSM; the latter is good for hot spot treatment.